
Choosing the best of Caller ID Options

While most people are familiar with the traditional directory, few people know the reverse directory. This article will help them get up to date and know everything about it, from its operation to its benefits. With the angerufen the caller ID process is the best.

What is a reverse directory?

The reverse directory is a large database used to find a person’s name and address through their phone number. As its name suggests, this service operates at odds with the traditional directory, although it contains a significant amount of telephone numbers, both private and professional. Note, however, that a subscriber is perfectly entitled to refuse to appear in an inverted directory. Did you know? The reverse directory dates back to 1950 in the United States. The service was then exclusively designed for fixed lines, before being adapted to mobiles, when they began to flood the market. It is, therefore, no surprise that many sites currently provide reverse directory services to users. Several search options are then proposed: the special inverted directory, the inverted directory of this country, the fixed inverted directory, the inverted Europe directory or the inverted directory any operator.


How does the reverse directory work?

A number not listed on your phone is displayed on the screen? Do not panic because to identify his owner, simply type his number in the field provided for this purpose. All you have to do is click on the search name and address on the right and you’re done. But the reverse directory does not stop there, since it also delivers the mailing address, the email address and even the business address of the caller, whether he is an individual or a company. Better, reliable and regularly updated, the tool is accessible at any time and unlimited, not to mention the fact that everyone can access it. Finally, be aware that aside from the free platforms there are paid directories, but with more elaborate features.

What are the benefits of the reverse directory?

We tried to reach you, but you were not able to take the call? An unknown number contacted you, but you missed the call? Thanks to the inverted directory, you are now able to know the identity of the caller. That’s not all since you can re-contact it quickly, without wasting time to introduce yourself or to find out who is the person on the other end of the line. How is it possible? Thanks to the information previously obtained in the reverse directory, of course. This solution is also very convenient in case of a loss of number. Last but not least, the reverse directory protects against malicious people and stalkers.

More tips for using an effective reverse directory

In addition to helping to discover the identity of a person in any country, the effective reverse directory is particularly beneficial to professionals. In this country, for example, the data are classified by city, department and region. So, from a simple number, it is possible to get the address of his favorite hairdresser who has moved to the other end of the city or to have contact with the nearest bank branches thanks to a brand directory.

Finally, you have to be very careful about reverse directories offered for free by telephone operators. The fact is that, sometimes, these offers are accompanied by incidental benefits likely to encourage the customer to call the service, in which case the bill may be salted.