corporate training

How to Lower Costs in Corporate Training

Corporate training can have some high costs for the company, such as: leasing physical space for training, hiring instructors, stopping the production of teams to participate in training, among others. For the corporate training you need to be specific now. But what if we tell you that technology has already evolved to help you solve all these problems and optimize costs?

corporate training

With an EAD Platform and distance learning you can:

  • Make content available online, without having to hire a physical location.
  • Employees and managers themselves can produce content and make it available on the platform for everyone to learn.
  • Employees choose the best time to perform the training.
  • The platform can give you the indicators you need to verify the effectiveness of corporate training.

Doing corporate training is not an easy task, regardless of the size of the company. It is always a challenge because it is necessary to think in the smallest details so that the employees who will be participating leave satisfied and with new learning. Thus, training can never be done haphazardly. It needs to be linked to the company’s strategy together with the difficulties and improvement of the employees.

Having well-trained employees is a double gain because the company can have safer results and the employee himself feels more skilled and confident. Being the trigger is for more powerful motivation and engagement.

Why put corporate training into practice?

It is normal within a company to have employees at different levels because each individual has their particularities. Some may find it easier to learn certain tasks, others may have a deeper experience in another subject. This is not to say that one employee is better than another, just that they have a different background.

Each employee has their specific skills and strengths. Otherwise, they would most likely not be within the corporate body. In any case, even the most skilled employees need training, be it to start their activities within the company or develop specific skills. However, it is wrong to imagine that training is only for individual skills. They can be:

  • Training for strategic planning.
  • Training for teamwork.
  • Sales and relationship training.
  • Leadership training.
  • Productivity training.

Each of the corporate training needs to be tied to a company macro strategy to make sense in the medium and long term. This way, there is no loose end and the employees understand the purpose of the training. Making the training make sense and relating them to their roles and position within the company.

Distance Corporate Training

Corporate training is not new to anyone, but distance learning has been gaining more space in recent years. With the advancement of technology, corporate distance learning has become not only attractive to companies but also essential. With this mode, it is possible to have closer and more detailed monitoring of the development of employees. Making learning is more dynamic and in-depth.

Distance training can be done on audiovisual content or digital materials that employees have access to. Audiovisual content can be streaming or webinar, depending on the purpose of the training. In addition to being content that the collaborator watches, the content is available for access whenever and wherever the collaborator wants. Facilitating learning and making it makes much more fluid.