Care Home Doncaster

Communication: an Important aspect for senior citizen care

For bonding of relationships, communication is the chain, which connects the family member’s feelings, emotions together. It is a two-way aspect that includes the potentiality to express oneself and the capability to what another person is trying to convey. A trust is established with good communication. An experienced staff or family members who are providing Care Home Doncaster services to older people tends to face difficulty in communication. A progressive condition like dementia, sensory loss (vision or hearing), or other health-related problems will create a barrier to effective communication. While caring for the senior citizens we will keep in mind that they are once active and vibrant and the communication difficulties that they have today were not always there before. This is especially important when a person can hear and vision before but due to ageing unable to feel now.

With ageing, communication skills change slowly in part because of changes in physical health, depression of becoming lonely, and decline in cognitive. It is also accountable for physiological changes in the hearing speech and voice process. An individual’s age can also be identified with fair accuracy in speech including loudness, speaking rate, voice tremor, and fluency. However, their mother language remains unflawed but some words tend to decline.

Care Home Doncaster

In a survey conducted by Medicare on more than 1200 beneficiaries aged above 65yrs, it was found that 45% reported being a hearing problem, 26% had a problem with writing their name or doing signature and 7% had a problem of hearing a telephonic conversation. With an entire Medicare population, more than 15million patients above the age of 65 have communication disabilities. This disability can be based on a three-health continuum. At one end are the elders who easily wish to prevent disabling communication conditions. In between are the people who are struggling with the disability and fail to do their function independently and on the other end are the people who have well-defined communication disabilities like, aphasia, hearing loss, and dysarthria.

Not able to understand or get through the conversation can be frustrating and painful for them. This can lead to a sudden outbreak of emotion. Whatever the cause of loss of communication, problems may lead older folks to live a life of isolation, which further results in loss of communication.

A foundation in America who look after age-related issues provided health information for the older individual and those who provide health care facility to older at home. An article on communication, that prescribes some techniques that can be used to help assist communication with older adults. These contain:

  • Try to talk face to face with an eye contact
  • Terminate background noise like switching off the TV and radios
  • Always try to speak slowly and clearly
  • When complete hearing loss, try to convey your thoughts by writing, gesture, or by drawing things.
  • Other family members should consider enjoyable heat-to-heart conversation. Sometimes informal communications with older ones feel good.
  • Try to be patient with them. Because of ageing, the process of the brain may be slow. Sometimes seniors need more time to understand the questions and formulate the answer.
  • We should not stop talking to them as they will not understand our viewpoint. Sometimes a small interaction with them will be a meaningful substance of the discussion.