saen higgins photography

Choosing the Right Paths of Photography

The main goal of the work of fashion photographers is to create a non-existent ideology, impose values ​​on the viewer and draw attention to the fashion world. Without photography, the very concept of fashion will not become, it is based on frames, pictures and staged photographs. Even fashion shows are visited by units, while the rest will learn about trends and new collections from magazine pages or websites. With the saen higgins photography you can find the best deals.

Many world photographers strive to get into the elite image shooting for magazines and brands, but only a few succeed. One of the reasons is the complexity of the genre beginners will not be able to cope here. It takes years of training, millions of unsuccessful shots and the talent to see deeper and further than the lens and clothes to shoot such frames. Fashion photography should have a deep history, inner meaning, confirmed by the details, well-developed little things and much more.

saen higgins photography

Distinctive features of fashion photography

For many years, fashion photography has distinguished features and rules that distinguish it from other genres. The main ones can be distinguished:

As a result, a good picture can take up to several days of preparation and 10-15 hours of continuous shooting. This should not be scared, the frame should become a diamond, and for this, you need to work longer.

Each little thing in the picture has its own meaning and is carefully worked out before the shooting. In fashion photography, there will never be an extra shadow, a dirty spot on clothes that accidentally fell into the frame of a makeup artist, and so on. And if it will be there, then it was originally conceived.

According to the statement of the model, clothes and details, you can understand the meaning and inner message of photography. Advertising personnel urges you to buy a product in such a way that you cannot always notice and determine it. An informational photo will give you a complete picture of what is happening.

Clothing and Styling

Clothing, makeup and pose of the model are selected in such a way as to distinguish the picture from the total mass. Therefore, they are unrealistic, bold and artsy.

There is even a category of clothing only for fashion photography and type of makeup for a photoshoot. They are very different from everyday ones most often they do not create beauty, but a bright memorable picture.

Light in image shooting plays one of the main roles of its help. The intrigue of photography and the dialogue between the photographer and the viewer are built. Therefore, it will be difficult for beginners in this industry without the theoretical foundations of composition, the arrangement of light sources and knowledge of color.

Masters of their craft, and highly specialized ones, should participate in the shootings.

The photographer should not be responsible for makeup, and the illuminator for costumes. A clear division of labor is where everyone knows the area of ​​work and responsibility. Fashion-style photography is a certain milestone of the era. It should carry the mood of the crowd, determine the direction of development of culture and society, embody the ideal of time and capture the unique atmosphere and hidden desires. Fancy photos are impossible without graphic editors. Today, all the gloss is created in this way, Photoshop is the bible of our time, and a tool, and a source of inspiration, and the main participant in photography.