
Characters of the guardian angel

Do you have any idea about a guardian angel? We all may hear about this from our parents especially from mom in childhood days if you do any mistakes or any naughty things guardian angel will take you somewhere if you do good things she will bless you. We cannot see her through our eyes but she always follows us. We cannot forget these words of our mom. Is a guardian angel follow us? Some have faith and some have not. Now we are going to see about a guardian angel. You can also check this link  to get more ideas about a guardian angel.

Guardian angel is like our invisible surrogate mother who always takes care, paving a smooth path of life. She always has one work to watch us and give new people for us that make us learn some lesson either good or bad.

How the guardian angel treats us:

It is not like only Christian has the guardian angel other religious people have not. In …

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