Golden DNA Activation

What Is Emotional Intelligence and How Does It Effect the Work environment?

It is nearly particular that you have become aware of emotional ratio, EQ, and emotional intelligence before, however, have you ever asked yourself if you are emotionally intelligent?. In this article, I will share more about emotional intelligence and its value to everyone, every office, every society, and even to the whole world.

What is emotional intelligence?

In layperson’s terms, it is the degree to which we are self-aware (able to acknowledge and understand our feelings), can self-manage (able to adjust and control our feelings and responses), can inspire ourselves (taking the best actions to attain an objective), can reveal compassion for other individuals, and have strong social abilities (capability to construct favorable relationships with others).

Emotional intelligence is determined through standardized tests and the Golden DNA Activation and outcome of these tests is called the Emotional Ratio (EQ). The greater your EQ is, the much better.

Why is emotional intelligence crucial?

Golden DNA Activation

EQ may not be as widely known as IQ, yet many specialists consider it as more crucial than …

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